.:Characters:. .:Story:. .:Sketches:. .:Mouse's
Corner:. .:Buttons:.
.:Misc:. .:In
The Works:. .:Links:. .:Fanart:.

***comic_name*** - ***todays_date***
Where Curiosity is Served...
Welcome to the Third Chapter of Anti-Feline
.:January 17th, 2005:.
I got my hair cut. Before and after picture:
It was quite dramatic. Nearly 11 inches went to Locks of Love. Go me.
.:March 19th, 2004:.
Oi.. Tomorrow marks Mouse's Corner's first birthday.
It really doesn't seem like it's been that long... Ah well. Crap happens. Kee.
Keenspace is finally up and running, smoothly, thanks to the new server, Butch. It's much happier and a bit faster than the last.
Things in general have been much happier. At least on my side. I haven't been stressing so much about things anymore.. All of the college
crap is done and over with, and Whitman should be getting back to me any day now. Ringling keeps getting a hold of me, telling me they want
me to go there.. Bah. I'd love to.. but it's in Florida.. That's quite a few miles away from here. I've finally come to the decision that if
Whitman rejects me, I'll go to Ringling instead of PSU (bleh) or OSU (double bleh). And if Ringling goes into Bipolar mood, I can always go
to the London Institute of Arts... which is even farther away from here..
So, Tweek went home yesterday from 5 days of Oregon-ladden bliss (bliss? I don't really know if he enjoyed it
that much ._. ). The
weather was very non-Oregonish by being rather warm, sunny, and lacking clouds. It's much like Spring, which is wonderful. We
played a lot of DDR (he's an amazing player.. he actually looks like he's dancing when he's playing ^_^ ), went to the Zoo, explored places,
searched out videogames.. hell, we did loads of stuff, and it kicked much ass.
And it was so cool to be able to watch him create art while he was here, and to see art that I hadn't before. It was quite the treat ^^
It was tiring at some points because I had to drive a lot, go to bed a little later and wake up a little earlier, so on and so forth, but it was
very very worth it.
We're hoping he can come out this Summer, too.. And Tom might be able to make it out..
Summer's gonna rock ^_^
And then summer will end and I'll go off to college wherever and.. I'll be sad ... ._.
Whoa, I didn't realize how much I wrote. I guess I needed to catch up on things.
BIG glomps to Nanashi.. Her birthday's tomorrow and
I'm so sorry that I didn't get the calendar done in time >_< *bangs head on table a few times* I'm working on it. And don't have too
much fun being 18... heh heh. Okay, I'll go. I'm gonna be going to Mt. Hood then Washington now that Spring Break has started, so
no comics for another week ._. Really really sorry. I'm a horrible person -- kick me later for it. I need to go babysit now.
Happy trails.
.:March 2nd, 2004:.
Okay, keenspace ate the comics and most of the page for today. But that's all right. I have all the comics up on
dA if anyone cares so much.
I'm... sure there's someone.. besides me... Oh well...
.:February 26th, 2004:.
Okay, it's officially been a month since Keenspace died and I haven't been able to figure out what to do with it. Apparently, some
keen-artists have found a way around it, but since they're too busy or too big to respond to me to help, this problem will go on until
the main keen server is back up. I know why it crashed, and just don't know how it's possible for people to still be uploading comics
Maybe I'm just ignorant when it comes to these things, but you'd think that after a year and a half, I'd know what the fuck I'm doing...
Sorry... this is not mixing well with my current mental and physical state of being.
If anyone cares so much, I've been uploading comics onto
deviantART and have been
being a good artist by uploading a comic on the monday-wednesday-friday schedule. I just felt like such a slacker for not doing the comics.
But all will be well, eventually. I guess I shouldn't bitch about keenspace, seeing that they've been housing my comic for free for all
of this time. Of course, with the servers crashing so often, I wouldn't pay for a membership, even if one would exist.
And for the people that don't know, Pumbaa (the mother of the puppies below) was hit by a car and killed instantly about a month ago.
The puppies are fine; my uncle and his fiancee have been taking care of them. It just pisses me off that someone left the gate open
and some idiot was smart enough to be driving fast enough to
kill her instantly in a neighborhood...
I hate people. It's just not fair.
Oh, and for more information, the character Tenchi will no longer be appearing in the comics. If you have to ask why, just try and
figure it out on your own time. I don't feel like relaying the details.
I just feel like being extremely bitter right now.
...That's all for now. I guess I made up for not bitching for a month and some. *shrugs* Sorry..
.:January 3rd, 2004:.
Ah, welcome to 2004. Oh what fun.
So I just returned from my father's house.. and I wanted to upload pictures of the puppies that my dog Pumbaa had (with my dog, Ki)... It's
an odd mix because Pumbaa's a pitbull and Ki's a huskie ._. Those are going to be some interesting looking puppies when they get older.
But right now, they're adorable. When these pictures were taken, they were 5 or 6 days old. They were born on December 22nd, at about... oh..
1:30 or 2 AM... great timing, eh? ^_^;
Aren't they adorable ^_^ Yay for puppies.. until they grow up and there are 6 of them running around ._. sigh.
.:November 30th, 2003:.
[ rant from November 30th ]
Okay... I owe everyone an apology....
I have to put an end to this story line... I'm not capable of doing such a serious comic plot right now in such a stressful time in my life...
I mean, I'm going through my senior year, trying to get into college and figure out why I'm here in the first place... not to mention about 2/3rds of the
people I know and love are angry at me right now because I have freetime only when they're not around, and I haven't been able to talk to them as much
as I used to..
I need to draw funny things. That's why I made anti-feline in the first place: to draw things to make people laugh (or, so I think...) and to make
myself feel better. I'm not made for this soap-opera kinda theme, ya know? Tom is a wonderful guy, and he has the most amazing
imagination and incredible ideas, but these are his ideas and I cannot complete them without him. It's just a fact.
Tom's been gone for more than two months now... and I have a feeling he's not going to come back. I know, that's a disgusting thing to come out of a friend,
but that's how I need to prepare myself.
To tell the truth, I was planning on finishing up this chapter, wrap up everything about the murderer, and then kill anti-feline for good.
But, that won't be happening any more. I'm just going to be doing the random, kind-of-on-a-plot-line comics from now on (or until Tom comes back, if
that does indeed happen). If anyone really wants to know what happens, EMAIL ME ( ice_dragon_maiden@hotmail.com ) and I'll explain it to you
the best I can.. I don't want to put up what happens incase people don't
want it to be "spoiled"... you never know, I might finish this chapter a while from now... We'll just have to see... But, for now, live on anti-feline...
.:November 29th, 2003:.
So, it finally happened. I finally broke down and killed chapter two, as we know it. It became too much for me, as you can all see... or as I've all told you..
whatever you wanna call it. It's done, dead, long gone... well, until Tom gets back
*flops over*
Now, for the normal stuff. Kwee..
.:November 15th, 2003:.
I really need to remember I have this place to rant. Mmhm... So, here comes the big getting-into-college/senior-year rant.
Psh, you guys should have seen it coming.
So, I've had my portfolio reviewed by two colleges so far.. well, officially. The first was California College of the Arts, which is in San Fran and Oakland,
and the admin lady came last year, and managed to make us bored to tears.. yet again.
But, she reviewed four portfolios, one of which was mine, and one that was Shini's. Shi and I have agreed that she liked ours the best because she was
a little more critical of the other two, and she especially tore apart one... :) that was fun to watch. Anyway, she accepted us, which was a major self-esteem
boost because I'm terrified of not being able to get into Whitman, a Liberal Arts school in Walla Walla, Washington.. the only college I
really wanna go to for undergrad years.
The I found out my mom made an appointment to have my portfolio reviewed by Barbara Kline at the Portland Art Institute.
Ho boy..
That was... well, strange. The building was stark white and amazingly clean... even the charcoal study room, which, to me, seemed impossible because
charcoal gets everywhere.. If you're by chance an artist, you know what I mean. Everything in this "institute" was just plain scary. Everything was so...
I dunno, steril? It just wasn't right. Among that, they don't require a portfolio to get into their school (wtf? art college not requiring a portfolio
to get in?) and it's only a three year school. But, she looked at my portfolio then tried to convince me that I didn't want to apply at any other colleges
than hers. This was flattering, but very very very unnerving.
Institute.... gad, it was more like a business... Art schools should not be like that. Period. It's weird.
And their credits only transfer to other Art Institutes over the world, so that woulc screw me over anyway.
So... my self-esteem is up a bit, so I'm *almost* convinced I can get into the college I wanna go to. My counselor, Mr. Rayon, said that I have a 90%
chance of getting into Whitman if I just keep my grades where they are and don't screw up any classes. Then he walked me through the process of
elimination that colleges go through, but told me I'll be okay.
So I'm not really freaking out that much, I guess. But senior year is so stressful. There's so much going on.
I should have listened to everyone when they said that senior year was going to kick my ass to the floor. It'll all be better by the end of
January though... *sighs*
Hmmmm... I think that's it. I'll survive through this. I have to... *flops over*
.:September 7th, 2003:.
Wow, I haven't updated this in forever. A lot has happened, but I'll just review things that have been happening lately. I'm just going to
copy-paste my dA journal from the Radiohead concert into here, to save time. I'll touch on other things later. (PS, I'm finally a senior in HS! *dies)
"Holy... good... love of everything... Jeez.. *explodes*
The concert was absolutely incredible... mind-blowing... Amazing.. *laughs* Heaven touched me for 2 hours.. It was absolutely worth every penny, second, breath, moment of pain... everything... Driving for three hours to get to Tenchi's house then the 4 hours to get to the concert... Waiting for 2 hours in line, waiting another 2 hours through 5 repeated terrible songs of reggae music, being trampled by other rabid Radiohead fans, an hour of the opening band (which wasn't bad.. Sm & Jycks/Jicks/Jix, they were okay) then another half an hour of waiting..
Phil was the first to come out.. everyone went insane.. It was dark by then, the moon was peaking over, the stars were out... He sat at his drum set, then Ed, Colin, Jonny came out... then Thom.. and he said hello.
Everything was perfect. The special effects, the lighting, music volume.. The light effects kicked so much ass, everything was perfectly in sync... The colors, my god... The stage kicked ass.. There were two vertical screens about 20 feet tall on either side of the stage, showing Radiohead through special effects... Radiohead play so well live, it was amazing, and Thom had so much energy.... He was bouncing around constantly, and shadow boxing playfully.. or something like it..
With "You and whose army", the camera was right next to his face while he played the piano... He did the most hilarious facial expressions... He's so fuckin awesome.. I didn't realize he was so short *laughs* he's probably my height, or shorter... That just reinforced his child-ish look, though..
Jonny was so cool... He always curled over his instrument.. It was so cool to watch him play the xylophone for "No surprises"... He bent over it and looked at the keys so carefully, as if he were thinking, "I wonder if I hit one of these keys just right, someone in the audience will explode."
Phil kicked so much bloody ass in " backdrifts"... it was insane... He kicked ass period. He was everywhere on the drums.. Ed swayed back and forth most of the time, but at one point, he ran around the other Radiohead members, which was hilarious.. Colin was pretty calm the whole time, which was kinda expected.. He's a cool guy.
*Laughs* Tweek asked if it was an " orgasm of sound"... *Laughs again* Hell, yeah it was...
My favorite songs they played (well, all of them kicked so much ass, but.. ya know, favorites.. yeah) were "Lucky", " Fake Plastic Trees", "Paranoid Android", " Backdrifts", and "You and Whose Army"... And I called up Shiyou and left about 10 messages on her phone *laughs* I let my phone record her favorite songs, or ones that I thought she'd like... Gomen ne, Shiyou.. I felt bad for Tenchi, too, because we were constantly surrounded by Radiohead fans, and he's not one.. Well, he likes them, but he's not avid... OH! And I saw Jimmy!! ^^ That was so cool.. he got really good seats though *shakes fist*
What an amazing experience.. *laughs*... But I'm running on three hours of sleep, and after driving for another 3 hours relatively early this morning, I don't think I should talk any more...
Goddamn.. *laughs*..."
This is my entry from the first day of school. Sayo everyone!!
"The freshman are so tiny x_x like evil Chibi running all over the place... they're like mice; they look so terrified.. like all the older kids are just going to turn around and bite off their arms x_x I feel so antagonistic, and I'm not even trying...
I tried to help this freshman girl today... she asked where Mr. Malone's (sp? help me on this one Shiyou and Shi ._.;...) room was, but she looked absolutely scared shitless of me... I felt so bad... I wanted to tell her I don't bite, but that was a lie.. so I just told her and walked on x_x;;... But, as usual, there are freshman that are heads taller than me... so odd..
Besides the freshman, everything else went as smoothly as... it could.. I guess... There are almost 2,100 people in the school that's only supposed to hold about 1,900... which is horrible for closterphobics.. My gov't/econ class has almost 45 people in it... which has got to break a firehazard law of some kind...
Sam gave me pictures of Ben today... which made me very very very VERY happy... very... really... Anyway, Ben is the uber-art god of the school... well, he was.. He graduated last year... He makes special apperances in Anti-feline x_X if anyone reads it.. I might put them up later... One is of him tickling me... He looks truly evil in it...
I miss him so much.. it hurts.... evil bastard >_O *laughs*...
And I saw Aaron Harris today... he was.. well..hmmm... He was a good friend freshman and sophomore year, then he moved a little before sophomore year ended... due to family issues... And he just popped up today x_X He figured I'd be in the art room, which I was... *sad*
Theory of Knowledge kicks ass so far... Mr. Hill kinda picked on me for the first few minutes of class ._. but that's okay... I'm positive my lack of sleep and thinking attributed to that.. I mean, it was 7:50 in the morning ._.;;;.....
.... okay, that's a lot of stuff... I'm done now.. *laughs*"
.:May 19, 2003:.
First of all, I'm writing this the night of the 18th, so not to mix up things...
And, secondly, happy (late) birthday to Trent Reznor. He celebrated his 38th (I think -.-;) on May 17th. Yay for Trent.
Okay, like the above says, I'm thoroughly exhausted. Not with just art, but physically. Prom was this weekend, which was the most fun I've
had in a while, but it was stressful trying to get ready and hoping that everything was going to be okay. The prom itself was a lot of fun, music
was kinda crappy, but I got to spend it with everyone, including Tenchi ^^ And I got to tango with Pat, which... wasn't the prettiest thing
in the world.
What happened after prom was the disasterous part. After prom, oh about 11:30 or so, everyone minus Shiyou and Shinimegami headed over
to Bullwinkles for a few games in the arcade and go-carts. It was supremely entertaining to see Pat compete against others, then himself, at
Dance-Dance Revolution. Okay, yeah, that's dangerous, but... okay. Someone stole my silly little prom purse. Note: I never carry purses
around, so I'm not used to keeping track of them. Officially, it had my keys (home and car), $90 (50 from Tenchi to pay my mom back
for the prom tickets, $20 of my own for just-in-case emergencies, and $20 I needed to pay some people back), my school ID (which is easily
replacable, it's just going to be a bitch) and the prom-pictures reciept...
That really bumbed me out. It was stupid of me to leave it... where ever I left it. But why would someone want my purse? Sure, I understand
the money, but keys they'll never use, a school ID that they can't use, and some photo-reciepts they can't use? Why not just take the money and
turn the purse into the lost-and-found? I really don't care about the money -- it can be replaced. But my car keys?
Uhg... Uhm. After that, I ripped my dress... probably from playing DDR, which wasn't very smart anyway, being in a dress and high-heels.
But, other than that, I have had a very, very nice weekend. Arigato Tenchi ^^ <3<3<3.
Okay... enough rantage. I'll be back..... sometime this week. Sayo.
.:May 7, 2003:.
Egads, another update! Well, it's not as special as a comic would be (which I am working on. It'll get done soon. I just need to talk to my buddy
Tom about it). I saw an interesting ad a while ago called "keencribs", being a rip-off of the MTV show "cribs", showing where the keen-artist
works and all, but the link wouldn't work when I clicked it... sooo, I decided to do my own little version of it... a really lame attempt, and only one
picture, but that's okay. It's still worth it.
This is just a picture of my computer and all the little things I keep on or around it. I college little stuffed animals and statues, as one can
tell. I labeled some of the more random things, just for shits and giggles.
It was a fun little experiment. Let's see... Yes, Pat made me a crane, so I put it on my pumpkin from Halloween. They blend together
a little bit, but eh. My mom got me the lobster and dolphin from the seaside fish day, or something like that. My Eevee pokemon bobble head
that I love dearly ^^ Uhmmm... Other little things like that. The almighty Sharpie that helps me label all the CDs I make. Things like that.
Not that exciting, I know, but I thought I'd just give everyone a glance at where most of Anti-feline is made... well, technically, I draw
most of it at school during free time, but I do a lot of editing and shoving it onto the computer, etc.
Hmmm... well, I think that's about all for now. Only two more days left of school, then a weekend. YAY for weekends. Until next time.
.:May 6, 2003:.
Wow, I haven't ranted here lately. So I will.
SATs are officially, in my opinion, a waste of time. I don't even know why I should take them because I'm going to an art school (hopefully) --
they really don't look at SAT scores... But, ya know, whatever floats your boat. Another thing that ended this weekend was my art class
I was taking at PNCA. It was a portrait painting class. It really didn't teach me anything, but it let me practice. I'm terrible at painting people,
but I'm going to keep on going at it.. because I'm stubborn like that.
Here're some pics of the painting of Rob I did. We spent two weeks on it (well, two weekends, which adds up to about 5 hours. We're there for 6 hours,
but I'm thinking of breaks and the time Samuel, our instructor, gave us to set up). This is the best one, in my opinion.
That's about it. Sayo.
.:April 7, 2003:.
Holy shit... Today has been a bad day. Just in general. I hate it when people bitch, but I need to bleed it from my system. And since
no one is being forced into reading this, I'm just going to rant until I feel better...
Or until I cry... Which ever comes first.
First off, when people are stressed about things, I stress about them as well because I'm a worrier -- ask anyone. I worry about things
that don't even come remotely close in concerning me, but they might affect people that I know and care about, thus I think about them
and try to scheme about changing things. Peoples' emotions rub off on me easily, and a lot of emotions have been screaming out in
pain lately.
Brinkman's class is just distressful, period. IB Junior English is the devil, and you have no idea how much I want to emphasize that
but I can only do this with bold or italic letters in this. This is my first year in advanced English, and I'm starting to think it was one of the
worst mistakes I made because I just can't handle all of it... The essays, the work, BRINKMAN, and having to think of ideas... I'm not
smart enough for this damned class.
And, lastly, people. People in general, perhaps, but ... people in my life right now, the majority, are just rigirously pissing me off lately.
I'm sorry I can't focus all of my attention on all of the people that crave attention right now, especially when they get mad at me for trying
to pay attention to another person other than themselves. I can't devote all of my time to a few select people... I just can't. Lack of sleep
and time to myself has really been getting to me, probably insensifying the emotions above... I'm a kind of person that likes to be by
themselves sometimes, and people take that as an offense. You know what? Take it as an offense. I don't give a shit anymore. If people
want me to attend to them, then I need time to rejuvinate or I'll melt into a puddle.
Okay.... Venting is done. Out.
.:March 26, 2003:.
UHG. I've done so much to the website lately it's driving me insane. I'm sure it's driving David insane too because every single time
something would go wrong, he'd be the first one to know ^^; Gomen nasai, David... I'm sure you never want me to tell you about
another one of my button problems again.
And, happy 16th birthday to Dane ^^ He donated the art for today. 5|>34k 1337 3\/32'/0|\|3? Good. So many birthdays lately ^^
Okay. So, officially since Spring Break started, I put up the Story site, Buttons, Characters, and Mouse's Corner, which is where
you're at right now. This is where I shall be pasting all of my rants ^^ Ah, the wonders of copy-paste.
I still have about another 5 or so sites to get down, but I'm saving that for later >.< I still have to read The Bean Trees for english, which
is due on wednesday... Not too worried about it, but my brain is fried from working on the site all day today and yesterday... Must...
have... vacation >< *Melts*
.:March 20, 2003:.
Yeah, fancy beginning ^^
Happy Birthday to Nanashi, first of all... ^^ Devilish 17, as is said.
Well, this marks the beginning of the second chapter. I had a lot of fun with the opening cover to this
especially since the subject is up and running... screaming, actually. Anti-war. Yeah. I'm really not
very fond of this whole "war" thing, even though I don't think it'll turn out to be a war, but an attack... that
costs lives...
Onto happier news: second chapter ^^ Yay. Lots of new characters coming this way. I have the outline
to the first comic done, but I'm not sure if it's the way I want to start off the new year, so to speak. But,
we'll see. SPRING BREAK!!! *Runs around happily*
*Ahem*... That's all for the news today ^^ Thanks for the wonderful year. Sayo.
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