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Anti feline - Saturday , February 10 , 2007
Anti-feline : The Story
As told by Kuwari
Where Curiosity is Served...
.:The World is Anti-Feline and Everyone Knows it:.
Hi, my name's Kuwari Hikari, but just call me Kuwari... I hate it when people use my last name; it makes me sound old. Anyway, this
is an account on my life in High School. It's not that pretty, nor that happy, but you're gonna have to deal with it...
So, I have this brother named Matataki, but no one calls him Matataki (except my eldest sister Nami, because it bothers him, but
we'll get to her later). Everyone calls him Blinker for some unknown reason. Supposedly, it's his skater name? Blinker, skate?
Yeah, like he has the coordination let alone the brains to calculate how to move on something with wheels... Sorry, that was mean,
but it's true -- that boy has more immaturity than common sense, which can go a long way. He can be a really good brother when he
wants to, and we do have a lot in common, I just want to get the fact across that he's not the brightest light on the Christmas tree.
Then there's my sister. Ho, boy, do I have a lot to say about my sister. Her name's Tsi' Nami, but everyone just calls her Nami (I'm
starting to see a trend in my family's names and them not liking them... oh well). She's the most mysteriously random one in our
family, mainly because she pops up, out of no where, and decides to visit to make everyones' lives a living hell. She tries to invert my
"tom-boyish" looks into the "mature, young woman" I supposedly am. She not only messes with my regular schedule by making
me go to sleep early and dress in ungodly amounts of color, but she messes with Blinker, whom, I think, gets the worst out of it.
See, Blinker hates eating healthy for some odd reason. He also loves to go out and do randomly dangerous acts with his friends
because he deems them "cool." Nami puts an end to all of these things while she's around by cooking Blinker food that he would
never touch with a ten-foot pole, and monitors his every action *somehow*. Even if she does improve our lives and make us a little
healthier, it's still a dent in our sides.
Then, there's school. School. The epitome of evil; the only place people dread to tread because of teachers and work; the place that
supposedly determines your future; a building with halls filled with rivers of people that just mesh into a moving wall of flesh. Constipated
halls, idiots, distress, emotionally ravenous hormones. A closterphobic's greatest nightmare. But, what can you do? You have to
go to school to be able to support yourself in the future.
My friends and I aren't exactly the top of the list when it comes to popularity, which is, actually, perfectly fine with us. We're not into
the whole "fashion" thing, but into art. Art, strange music like Radiohead, intelligent games like Myst, and good books like the Lord of
the Rings. Supposedly those are strange or something? I dunno. We like being strange. It's fun. Shiyou, Shinimegami ( two
of my best buds at school) and I escape into the art room every chance we get to find sanctuary from the annoying, idiotic freshman
and everything else that tweeks us the wrong way, which school
has a tendency to do. The art room holds us safely from the terrors of the outside.
Oh, and I have a special friend named Raion. No, he's not a special friend as in a "boyfriend" or he's not all there (mentally
speaking), but a special friend as in he's not real. He's an imaginary friend, but I love him just the same. He's a source of comfort
and reassurance when I need it the most. He's kind of flamboyant and random sometimes, but he's a good friend... I just found out
that he isn't real, but it doesn't matter to me. Just as long as he sticks around for this ride we call "life."
I think that's about it... Other things about me: live in Oregon, Junior in High School, hate cold weather and rain (which kinda sucks
when you live in a place like Oregon), live with my mom and siblings (and a spawn of satan, AKA the cat), pack-rat, such and such.
Just recently, a family of Meerkats have moved into the house next-door. The Ishi family.. doesn't that mean "stone" in Japanese?
I don't know... I study German, not Japanese, though I wish I did. Anyway, Blinker is absolutely convinced that this pack of kats are
working for the CIA... According to Blinker, everyone is somehow in cahoots with the government, so just ignore him... You'll get used
to it. I promise. Anyway, the son of the family is named Tenchi, and no wonder.. I know that Tenchi means heaven and earth, and I think
it's a perfect name for him, even though I don't think it's his real name... He's such a bishy. His eyes are very calm, and it feels like
he's reading into my every thought. As creepy as it is, he seems like a very nice guy. I wouldn't mind getting to know him, but knowing
my foolish habbits, I'll manage to scare him away with the rest of his family. Go me.
And yesterday, things changed so much. It all started with a walk in the park. I met this incredibly quick-witted and hilarious raccoon
named Tom Nook. Not only can he see Raion (!!), but he has a heart of pure gold -- he's seeking out his girlfriend's murderer for revenge.
I know that revenge isn't something to be proud to seek, but the fact that his love is still so strong... But, how's that for an occupation?
Raion and I decided to help him -- what else could we do? I had a feeling that we had to help.
We went home only to find that Blinker was missing; he had even missed his usual Thursday skateboarding hours with Slug. Slug.. ya know,
the really tall Cougar that doesn't talk much. Yeah, him.. he's hard to miss. Anyway, this was all very odd. He's never missed a day of
skateboarding, even that one time he had the flu. Supposedly, the Shis had dropped by earlier but we had missed them. and now they've
disappeared. Now, we think that Blink and the girls are in trouble -- captured by the murderer.
Nami and Slug went to look for Blink; Tom and Raion took off to look for the murderer; I went to go look for Shiyou and Shi.
Then I bumped into Tenchi Ishi x_X and punched him.
I had meant to use a hammerfist out of self-defense, but I even screwed that up. I'm such a loser. This whole thing was
turning out to be one really big horrific nightmare. But, after telling him what happened, he agreed to help me...
So much is happening, I don't think I can keep up much longer. What have I gotten the girls and Blink into this time?..
.:Chapter 3:.
Uhm... Okay, so scratch the whole murderer thing. It's time for senior year, Anti-feline style.
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